Help us to break the chains of poverty and transform lives   

KMH provides support and education to children and their families from some of the most disadvantaged communities in South India.

What we do

KMH's 'Kathryn's Nursery and Primary School' provides high quality education for over 300 children from the most deprived parts of Devakottai. This gives the children a great start in life and the opportunity to go on to secondary and higher education. It helps the children to escape from the cycle of poverty they are born into. A project to construct eight extra classrooms has just been completed. This will increase the number of children we can teach at the school to 500  

KMH's 'Joan's Grace Home' provides care and accommodation to around 100 girls from remote rural villages surrounding Devakottai. The hostel enables the girls to attend a local high school and go on to higher education to study for a professional qualification. We prioritise girls because women are particularly disadvantaged in this society. Through the hostel the girls are able to transform their own futures and build a life free from poverty, exploitation, and violence.  

KMH's 'Joan's Old Age Home'  is a loving home for around 20 elderly women, providing accommodation, food and medical care. The women are mainly widows who have no means of support. The home is integrated with the girls' hostel and provides a happy community where the girls and women live in harmony and develop friendships. 

KMH employs six teachers living in remote rural villages to teach around 350 children in five separate villages. Without these extra lessons the children are more likely to leave education at primary level, and some of the girls to be forced into an early marriage. The centres encourage families to participate in other KMH projects, cultural programmes and educational tours. KMH provides funds for over 100 boys and girls to attend colleges and courses when they have completed secondary education.

KMH provides vocational training, such as tailoring, embroidery, dress making and computer courses for local unemployed people, as well as for the girls in the hostel. The training is held at Joan's Grace Home. The trainees are given certificates from the district social welfare department which validates the training. This increases people's opportunities for employment to earn money and support their families.  

KMH provides free medical camps and health awareness programmes for people in remote rural villages as well as for the children in the projects. KMH provided extensive relief work in the villages during the covid pandemic. This was vitally important as many of the families had no means of income due to long lockdowns and curfews. Around 500 families benefitted from this relief.

How you can help 

Provide extra classrooms 

KMH has recently finished the building of eight new classrooms at Kathryn's Nursery and Primary School. This extends the existing classroom block and will allow 200 more children the opportunity to go to school. Help us to raise the outstanding £45,000 for this project. 

Transform a young life 

Every new sponsor allows us to care for and educate another child. For £15 per month or £180 per year you could transform a young life.This makes a wonderful gift, or could be in memory of a loved one. Email for more information.

Support an elderly woman

Every new sponsor allows us to admit another elderly woman into Joan's Old Age Home. For £15 per month or £180 per year you could help us to care for an elderly woman.This makes a wonderful gift, or could be in memory of a loved one. Email for more information.

Make a donation


> Use the Donate Now button (we are charged a 3% fee for this):

Alternatively, with no associated charges:

> Transfer your donation directly to KMH(UK), Sort code 40-52-40, Account number 00018566. (Some banks don't like the brackets. In this case, KMHUK is fine.)

> Set up a standing order for regular giving, either by using the standing order form which you can download here or set the standing order up yourself using online banking, or in person at the bank. 

> Send a cheque made payable to KMH(UK) to 48 Ditton Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 6RB. 

> Consider leaving a gift in your will to help the work of KMH for future generations. Please email for more information. 

Kathryn's Mercy Home Trust (UK) or KMH(UK) is a registered charity (No. 1129791). If you are a UK taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid form which you can download here . This way we can add 25% to your donation at no extra cost to you. The Gift Aid form can be sent to us either by email or by post to 48 Ditton Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 6RB. 

Every pound you give us is put to good use in all the KMH projects. The projects are managed by our partner in India, Kathryn’s Mercy Home Trust (India). Registration Number 075930017. (President: Rev J Jeyapaul). All the projects are staffed by Indian nationals and are regularly inspected for welfare and child protection by the Indian authorities. None of the trustees receive any remuneration, payments or benefits from the charity. There are no intermediaries, administration costs or expenses. See our Internal Financial Control and Due Diligence Policy

Together we can help break the chains of poverty and transform lives


Contact us

If you require further information or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Trustee and Secretary of KMH(UK): Rev William Allberry


Address: KMH(UK), 48 Ditton Road, Surbiton, Surrey KT6 6RB 

Telephone:  07818 641576


Safeguarding Policy

Data Privacy Policy

Internal Financial Control and Due Diligence Policy

 Kathryn's Mercy Home Trust (UK) or KMH (UK) is a registered charity (1129791)

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